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The Dreamhouse

Patrice sent us a treasure trove or spectacular photos. The greenhouse with the clear water, sunshine, tall mountains, and blue sky is simply stunning. Located near beautiful Chitko Lake in BC, Canada, the Western Red Cedar is at home.

This 10’x12’ greenhouse includes 18” basewalls, plexiglass, the gable extension, dutch door, dutch window, and a U-Shaped bench configuration with a 6’ soil planter, 6’ single shelf, a back shelf, and 12’ soil planter on the other side. The greenhouse is a fine addition to this stunning, picturesque setting; the natural look of the greenhouse both complementing and being accentuated by the scenery. Patrice is now reaping the vitamin-rich benefits!

The Assembly Process:

“I had to do a close-up of my peppers that are almost ready! Unbelievable! Usually I get a couple that are about toonie sized in September… haha. My sweetpeas that I planted along the west wall are starting to bloom so it smells divine in there! Also, I have never attempted corn but I researched and then planted a block - it’s doing really well. I'll keep the windows/door open as much as possible to allow pollination - but very exciting. I also started turmeric and ginger in the house in the winter and it’s doing well out in the greenhouse paradise. I am having SO MUCH FUN! :-) “ Patrice

We really appreciate all of the spectacular photos Patrice. Thank you so much!



Adrienne’s Room

Located in picturesque Utah, Adrienne’s 10'x20' stands impressively against the mountainous backdrop. The natural colours of the wood really pop amidst green and blue. A job well done!

The kit was ordered with the portico, 30" basewalls, clear plexiglass siding, a Dutch Door on each end, and automatic roof vent openers. The greenhouse has 2 basewall vents on the front as the soil planters extend to the back wall.

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The Wolfpacks Greenhouse

This rugged, sturdy 10’x14’ greenhouse is located in Oregon and is a perfect addition to the pack! Linda and Paul produce a line of outdoor gear for dogs. We hope their dogs have enjoyed the greenhouse too!

The greenhouse was ordered with combo 18/30” basewall heights, roof vent openers, soil planters/shelves, and a Dutch Door & Window. The client requested longer roof panels and they even built their own pond inside!

“Thank you so much Jane. I hope you and your family are all well. I’m so grateful to what you and CedarBuilt are doing for us.” Linda ( : Gear for working dogs)

Click on the photos below to enlarge:

There wasn’t enough room inside our fenced garden area so we built the greenhouse outside and then moved the fence to the front corners. We stained and then sealed all the pieces before assembly. It was more work than just spraying it after assembly, but with our winter weather I feel better about having the wood joints sealed on the inside as well as the outside. I really like the longer roof panels because the drips and icicles miss the wall sills by about an inch.

We are very happy with the 18” and 30” side heights, that worked out perfectly with our afternoon sun direction. Some of the pictures were taken during our 100 degree summer and you can see our temporary shade cloth. There is a water tank to the left of the sink with an electric pump and hot water heater underneath the sink. I also have the greenhouse plumbed into our big rain water catchment tanks from our barn roof. I have to drain those supply pipes in winter so the 50 gallons inside the heated greenhouse is needed in winter. The drip irrigation timer is also hidden under the sink.

The pond is fun for Linda’s fish and they make fertilized water for the growing beds. The pond is oddly shaped because the water supply shut-off valve is under the front corner (the pond was a last minute addition). We are still working on the landscaping around the greenhouse, it gets prettier every month. Paul

The Assembly Process:

Click on the photos above to see the assembly details

Update: Thank you Linda/Paul for all of these beautiful new photos. We love seeing greenhouses in different seasons. Wishing you happy days and blue skies!


Harry’s Dad’s Gift

Harry gifted his 90 year old father with a dream greenhouse. We love the location in the yard, the little steps up, and the 18” basewalls with the portico & Dutch door.

“It looks amazing. I am loving it, as is Dad”

This lovely greenhouse includes the portico extension, 18" basewalls throughout, 18" soil benches, clear plexiglass sides, Dutch Door, Double Dutch Windows, and automatic roof vent openers.